Google analytics is really helpful in your business. It scrutinizes and monitors the traffic flow of your website and detects any variations in the statistics and generates automated alerts also known as Analytical Intelligent Events or Alerts and sends. These alerts help you to notice the minute details you might tend to miss otherwise. Usually Intelligent Alert delivers four kind of report – Overview, Daily Events, Weekly and Monthly Events.

Google analytics alerts
Google analytics alerts

Google Analytics and Intelligence alerts are the ideal way to check your web data and discover new insights.  Google Analytics and Intelligence alerts can be of two types, namely; Automated and Custom Alert

  1. Automated alert: Here the data are automatically monitored and if some disturbance is found it will automatically send an alert to you from which you can further investigate on the matter and check for solutions.
  2. Custom Alert: Custom alerts are automated alerts created by you for your matrix or particular important part of your business. For example, you own an online shopping forum and you create a custom automated alert for your sales percentage. If the sales drop percentage by percentage every day, Google Analytics Intelligence will send you an alert based on which you can change your business strategy.